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EW Physical Therapy Blog

Physical Therapy blog articles by EW Motion Therapy

Alana George

Content Manager // EW Motion Therapy

Run | Physical Therapy | Career

By: Alana George
December 15th, 2023

You probably have a pretty busy schedule, right? Work or school, family time, household tasks - it all adds up and seems to never stop. Learning to balance it all is one of the most remarkable feats you can achieve, but it is also one of the most difficult things most of us attempt to do. Some days, you can manage it all pretty well, but on others, it feels like you’re hanging by a thread, and one more unexpected work meeting will send you over the edge.

Gymnastics | Career

By: Alana George
August 4th, 2023

Every parent wants to make the best decisions for their children, including where to send them to school and how to dress them. Many parents fret over choosing a sport for their child - how do you know from a young age which sport will “click” with them? Are they destined to be a star soccer player or a prima ballerina? Not every child will become a pro athlete, but sports help encourage work ethic and setting goals, essential life skills for any child.

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Physical Therapy | Personal Training

By: Alana George
February 23rd, 2022

Editor's note: The author would like to thank Jesse Douglas and Amanda Krumrie for their contribution to this article.

Physical Therapy

By: Alana George
October 18th, 2021

Editor's note: The author would like to thank Katherine Stone and Jesse Douglas for their contribution to this article.