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EW Physical Therapy Blog

Wanting to learn about physical therapy and wellness? Read the blog articles below.

Carrie Heidrich

Licensed Physical Therapist, PT, DPT // EW Motion Therapy Homewood


By: Carrie Heidrich
June 23rd, 2023

Most runners have a daily choice: hitting the road or hopping on a treadmill. Each offers its own set of benefits and potential risks. Whether you're a seasoned runner or just starting your fitness journey, it's essential to understand the pros and cons of both choices. We recommend either option to our runners at EW Motion Therapy, depending on any existing medical conditions and their access to one or the other. Even if you decide our run program doesn't fit your needs, you can still read on as we explore the advantages and disadvantages of running on a treadmill versus running outdoors, helping you make an informed decision that suits your individual preferences and goals.


By: Carrie Heidrich
April 28th, 2023

Running is an excellent way to improve your physical fitness and overall health. It's also an accessible activity that requires minimal equipment and can be done almost anywhere. But it can feel overwhelming when you start figuring out the routine and training intensity that works best for your body. How do you learn what works for you without getting hurt?

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Physical Therapy

By: Carrie Heidrich
April 12th, 2023

Any baseball player knows how important it is to stay healthy and injury-free while playing, but sometimes injuries are unavoidable. One common injury for pitchers and overhead-throwing athletes that can happen over time is a partial or complete tear of the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) in your elbow. You have multiple treatment options, but whichever you choose, you should be back on the field with enough recovery time. A physical therapist can be a great specialist to help with that. Our team at EW Motion Therapy can create an individualized, sport-specific treatment plan for you to help build strength and improve mechanics in your throwing arm to get you back in the game. Even if you decide our services do not fit your needs, you can still read on for our discussion of how UCL tears happen, how they affect baseball players, current treatment options and surgical interventions, and how physical therapy can help.

Run | Physical Therapy

By: Carrie Heidrich
March 28th, 2023

Getting injured is any athlete’s nightmare, especially when an injury can end your season. One of these season-ending injuries that are all too common is a torn ACL. You probably know a football or basketball player who had surgery to repair that ligament - it may even be you.

Physical Therapy

By: Carrie Heidrich
March 28th, 2023

Getting injured is any athlete’s nightmare, especially when an injury can end your season. One of these season-ending injuries that are all too common is a torn ACL. You probably know a football or basketball player who had surgery to repair that ligament - it may even be you.


By: Carrie Heidrich
October 18th, 2021

It is estimated that approximately 9 million Americans run a 5k each year, according to RunningUSA. To put this in perspective, if the entire state of Virginia went for 3.1 mile run, it would be the equivalent to the number of people who laced up and ran a 5k in the US last year. That's an incredible number, but the most important takeaway from that statistic is this: if 9 million people (or the state of Virginia) were able to slay a 5k and proudly wear their commemorative t-shirts, so can you.

Run | Women's Health

By: Carrie Heidrich
October 18th, 2021

Every athlete needs to ensure their body is performing well. A lack of appropriate awareness can lead to health complications, overtraining, and reduced performance. For female athletes, this is especially important. If they do not maintain an appropriate energy level, they put themselves at risk for serious health conditions, such as the female triad.