Physical Therapist, PT, DPT, MTC // EW Pilates Instructor // EW CoreAlign Instructor // Certified in Dry Needling // EW Motion Therapy Homewood
Kareth Dow
February 16th, 2022
There are many different reasons someone could get a headache. But before anyone can be treated for a headache, the nature of that headache must be known. For example, stress can contribute to a headache if your reaction to stress is to tighten the muscles that support your head position. We commonly refer to these as tension headaches, but there are many other reasons you may have a headache. So how do you know you are pursuing the best treatment for your headaches?
Kareth Dow
October 18th, 2021
For someone wanting to begin physical therapy, the new vocabulary can be confusing. One phrase that is probably new to most people is “manual therapy”. The terminology can cause many to ask questions such as, “What is manual therapy?” “Will my treatment include manual therapy?” “Is manual therapy distinct from physical therapy?” “How do I find a manual therapist?”