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EW Physical Therapy Blog

Wanting to learn about physical therapy and wellness? Read the blog articles below.

Physical Therapy

By: Josie Waddell
November 9th, 2022

Headaches are common and affect a large percentage of the population. Depending on the severity, some headaches can be debilitating, making you cancel plans or call in sick to work. Headaches should not rule your daily life - finding the combination of medicine or other remedies that works for you is essential. But what do you do if you feel your headaches have progressed to a chronic state? And which professionals should you look to for help?

Physical Therapy

By: Riley Manasco
November 9th, 2022

If you have never used CBD oil, you may be unsure what it is or does. You may automatically associate it with marijuana, and while they are derived from the same plant, they differ substantially. Research has shown some benefits of CBD oil for relieving symptoms of epileptic seizures, but many people have found success with it in other areas as well. So is it right for you? And how can you get access to it?

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Physical Therapy | Personal Training

By: Ben Bullard
October 27th, 2022

Baseball is a dynamic sport, combining coordination, power, strength, and speed to make it stand out among other sports. Baseball players must adopt a full-body approach to improve the skills needed to compete. An important metric for baseball pitchers is the speed of pitches; more velocity requires more power. But how do you go about training to throw harder? What are some practical things to focus on while off the field?

Physical Therapy

By: Kevin Coleman
October 27th, 2022

Knee pain is common for a large percentage of the population. Any pain in our knees can significantly impact how we move during the day, and there is a myriad of things that could cause pain in your knees, from overuse to ligament tears to arthritis. So when you experience pain, should you be worried? Will you need surgery to fix it, or are other treatment options available?

Physical Therapy | Personal Training

By: James Ingram
October 13th, 2022

If you have never heard of blood flow restriction (BFR), the phrase may carry a frightening connotation. Why would you want to restrict blood flow anywhere in your body? When used strategically and safely, blood flow restriction can actually be a helpful technique to build strength in a shorter period of time without putting too much stress on healing tissues or joints. Physical therapists, personal and athletic trainers use BFR for clients, and it has been shown to be safe and effective. So what does it do, and should you try it to build strength?

Dry Needling

By: Scott Sall
October 12th, 2022

Muscles twitch randomly all the time, but if the twitching becomes more consistent and you cannot get it to stop, that may be a muscle spasm. Muscle spasms can be painful and even prevent you from doing some of your daily activities as easily as you did before. So what can you do? What are the best treatment options?

Personal Training

By: Silven Cox
October 12th, 2022

It feels great to win a game or competition. The adrenaline rush of victory and sense of accomplishment is unmatched, and you may want it to last forever. But every dedicated athlete knows it is essential to do things outside of competition to improve your overall physical and mental health - you don’t need to go back to practice without resting, stretching, or doing whatever else is in your recovery routine. The same rings true during the off-season - you need to return to your next season prepared to win. But what should you do in the meantime? How can you get better while not playing your sport?

Physical Therapy

By: Becca Lee
October 5th, 2022

The different types of imaging equipment available in a hospital or outpatient clinic can be confusing for people not in the medical field. If you get injured and go to the doctor, they can decide the best course of action for your specific injury, but it is always helpful to know about equipment going in. You may wonder whether you will need an MRI, CT scan, or X-ray, and you may not even know the differences between them.

Physical Therapy

By: Kevin Coleman
September 23rd, 2022

Whether reaching to grab a cup off a high shelf or trying to stretch in the morning, reaching with your arms is a basic functional movement in the day. It can be annoying, even frustrating, when you have shoulder pain, primarily if it inhibits you from accomplishing those movements. How do you figure out what is causing your pain, and what can you do to fix it?

Personal Training

By: Silven Cox
September 21st, 2022

When you want to switch up your fitness routine with something new, it can be challenging to decide what you want to try. You could take a Zumba class, a barre class, a Pilates class, a yoga class, or hire a personal trainer. HIIT and CrossFit are two popular exercise methods that have become more mainstream in recent years. But which is right for you, and how do you begin figuring that out?