Physical Therapy | Women's Health
Katherine Stone
April 27th, 2022
If you have just had a new baby, you probably have a million thoughts running through your mind. You have just put your body through one of the most intense experiences a woman can ever have, and come out of it with a new baby who needs around the clock attention. With this much responsibility on your shoulders, it can be hard to focus on recovery that your own body needs and is undergoing, whether you delivered vaginally or had a C-section. One condition that can present postpartum is diastasis recti, but how do you know you even have the condition? And what are your treatment options?
Dry Needling | Physical Therapy
Mason McAnnally
April 27th, 2022
If you have pain or muscle tension, you may be considering some kind of needling treatment. Maybe you need dry needling, in which a practitioner inserts monofilaments (solid needles) into muscle trigger points and uses electrical stimulation to provide relief. Or perhaps you need acupuncture, a part of traditional Chinese medicine, which uses energy lines called meridians. Meridians are guides to releasing a flow of energy throughout the body, based on organ systems, like the kidney, liver, and heart. By correcting energy flow systemically, pain is reduced. But how do you know which one you need?
Sports Performance | Personal Training | Nutrition
Haley Johnston
April 27th, 2022
Most people understand how important water consumption is during the day. You probably have a general amount in your head of how much you should drink, but how do you know that you’re actually getting enough? Dehydration can cause many problems, so how do you ensure that you really are drinking the amount of water you need?
Sports Performance | Nutrition
Brad Atkinson
April 20th, 2022
Think about what you would do if you wanted to run a marathon. Do you wake up on the first morning of training and expect to run the full distance without any hiccups? If you’re like most people, probably not. Training for a marathon can take weeks, even months, and most people do it by changing their running, eating, and sleep habits slowly over time, so they maintain consistency and see the results they want on race day. But how does it work when you apply this concept to nutrition? Can small changes really culminate in a changed lifestyle?
Physical Therapy | Women's Health
Leah Lee
April 20th, 2022
Many people agree that some medical conditions are easier to talk about than others. Whether you have diabetes or osteoporosis, or mental health conditions like anxiety and depression, it can be helpful to seek comfort among a community of individuals who also struggle with your condition. On the other hand, some conditions are harder, and more embarrassing, to bring up in conversation. Most people would probably count incontinence as one of these. Even though the condition is so widespread, many people do not seek the help they need due to the embarrassment of having to discuss the condition with someone. But it is vital to seek help to maintain the health of your pelvic floor.
Sports Performance | Nutrition
Brad Atkinson
April 20th, 2022
When you want to begin a new program, you always have to think about the cost. You have to consider how much you are willing to pay and whether your estimate aligns with the service you expect. This is especially true if you are seeking further advice for your nutrition. If you have tried a free program or diet and failed, it could be worth it for you to pay for an expert’s advice. But what is a reasonable cost? And how do you know you will get a good product for your money?
Sports Performance | Nutrition
Logan Sides
April 13th, 2022
We all know that our bodies are made differently, and some people tolerate certain foods better than others. Whether you are lactose-intolerant or your stomach gets upset when you eat red meat, you have to make diet choices that work best for you. If you are considering going with a mostly plant-based diet, you may wonder how those diets work in a practical, everyday setting, and how you can make it work with your lifestyle.
Sports Performance | Personal Training | Nutrition
Haley Johnston
April 13th, 2022
If you are trying to lose weight, it is important to define your goals and figure out what you are willing to commit. For some, going on runs and adding more veggies to their grocery list is enough to make a difference, but that doesn’t always work for everyone. So when should you invest money into your weight loss journey? And with such a crowded market, what kind of weight loss plan should you pay for?
Sports Performance | Nutrition
Brad Atkinson
April 13th, 2022
It can be beneficial in life to get personalized things. If you are new to personal fitness, receiving a plan from a personal trainer can help kickstart your fitness journey. Similarly, receiving personalized nutrition advice from a nutrition expert can help you achieve your health goals. But with so many titles, it can be confusing to find the right professional for you. Which one should you see?
Sports Performance | Personal Training | Nutrition
Logan Sides
April 6th, 2022
When you finish a workout, a few things run through your mind. You’re thinking about how great your workout was, and your mind probably goes to the next thing you have to do. At that moment, you feel a gnawing feeling in the pit of your stomach, and you think, “Hm, I should probably eat something.”