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Physical Therapy Blog

EW Physical Therapy Blog

Physical Therapy blog articles by EW Motion Therapy

Personal Training | Career

By: Alana George
August 2nd, 2024

What do you picture when you think about personal training? Is it a buff young man lifting 20-pound dumbbells while yelling at you to keep going as you run on a treadmill? That’s what pops into my head, and I know I’m not alone. Unfortunately, the reputation of personal training has been tarnished for some because of stereotypical characters like the one I picture, or from a horror story of being injured in the gym. You probably know one, whether you experienced it yourself or someone you know got hurt - a trainer wasn’t paying attention and pushed their client too hard.

Physical Therapy | Career

By: Alana George
July 12th, 2024

Authors and philosophers alike have pondered the true meaning of success for centuries. Most have concluded that success is multi-faceted - you can make a good living, but it becomes empty if it comes at the expense of your happiness or fulfillment. The luckiest people find joy in whatever they choose to do with their lives and can also provide for their families and team members - who doesn’t want to make money doing what they love?

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Physical Therapy | Cheerleading | Career

By: Alana George
June 24th, 2024

H.G. Wells once said, “We must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind us to the fact that each moment is a miracle and a mystery.” It’s easy to get caught up in our day-to-day routine and come to feel that our lives are mundane. But have you ever had a moment in life when you stopped and realized how special it was? Whether you work in an office, on a construction site, or are in the medical field, whatever you’re doing has a purpose and a plan that is far beyond the ordinary.

Personal Training | Career

By: Alana George
March 29th, 2024

Routine is an essential part of our lives. Most of us have a set of habits we do in the morning to help us prepare for the day, things we do at night before we go to bed, or both. Our routines help us get into whatever mindset we need for that point in our day. Another routine every professional has to learn is how to manage their workload, prepare for the day, and prepare for the next day. If you’ve ever been to personal training, you understand that you are not the only client your trainer is seeing that day, and you might wonder how they balance it all. Are they really able to give you the attention you need and deserve?

Physical Therapy | Career

By: Alana George
March 23rd, 2024

Routine is an essential part of our lives. Most of us have a set of habits we do in the morning to help us prepare for the day, things we do at night before we go to bed, or both. Our routines help us get into whatever mindset we need for that point in our day. Another routine every professional has to learn is how to manage their workload, prepare for the day, and prepare for the next day. If you’ve ever been to physical therapy, you understand that you are not the only patient your therapist is seeing that day, and you might wonder how they balance it all. Are they really able to give you the attention you need and deserve?

Golf | Physical Therapy | Career

By: Alana George
March 8th, 2024

In an article for Forbes Magazine, Mark C. Perna discusses the value of failure in our lives, as much as we try to avoid it. He says,

Physical Therapy | Career

By: Alana George
December 22nd, 2023

Have you ever worked hard to get something but didn’t get the results you wanted? Maybe you studied for weeks for an important test but didn’t get the desired grade. Or you trained to beat your PR in your next race and didn’t quite get there. We all experience this disappointment in some form, especially if you have played sports. Athletes know that even if they work hard in practice, they still might not excel in the game. Even though this disappointment hurts, we all learn over time that you can place your confidence in your hard work.

Run | Physical Therapy | Career

By: Alana George
December 15th, 2023

You probably have a pretty busy schedule, right? Work or school, family time, household tasks - it all adds up and seems to never stop. Learning to balance it all is one of the most remarkable feats you can achieve, but it is also one of the most difficult things most of us attempt to do. Some days, you can manage it all pretty well, but on others, it feels like you’re hanging by a thread, and one more unexpected work meeting will send you over the edge.

Gymnastics | Career

By: Alana George
August 4th, 2023

Every parent wants to make the best decisions for their children, including where to send them to school and how to dress them. Many parents fret over choosing a sport for their child - how do you know from a young age which sport will “click” with them? Are they destined to be a star soccer player or a prima ballerina? Not every child will become a pro athlete, but sports help encourage work ethic and setting goals, essential life skills for any child.