The Best Physical Therapy Schools in Alabama
Licensed Physical Therapist, PT, DPT // Director of Marketing and Sales // Certified Dry Needling Specialist // EW Motion Therapy Homewood
When looking for a physical therapy doctorate program, it can be challenging to narrow down your options. You must consider the program’s cost, location, credentials, and other factors. With so many choices of well-ranked schools in our state, how do you decide which one to attend to start your physical therapy career?
EW Motion Therapy has been in the Alabama physical therapy market for over 20 years, and many of our physical therapists have graduated from these schools. We would love to be your physical therapy provider, but we understand this may not always be the case. Our ultimate goal is to help you find the right physical therapy school for your career goals.
To help you make sense of your options for physical therapy schools in Alabama, we’ve made a list of the doctorate programs in our state, in no particular order. We have also included some of each school’s offerings as listed on their website.
With this list, you can learn more about your options to make the best decision for your needs.
The best physical therapy schools in Alabama
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Location: 1720 2nd Avenue S, Birmingham, AL 35294
Doctorate programs offered: 49
The mission of the UAB’s Doctor of Physical Therapy program is to prepare physical therapists who are evidence-based practitioners with the skills, knowledge, and behaviors to deliver value-based physical therapy services, consultation, education, critical inquiry, and administration, with a primary focus on clinical practice involving diverse populations.
Samford University
Location: 800 Lakeshore Drive, Birmingham, AL 35229
Doctorate programs offered: 38
Samford’s 3-year DPT program helps students develop the foundation they need to make effective evidence-based decisions for their future patients. The program is anchored in collaboration, using the most current and upcoming technology, and a spirit of serving others.
Alabama State University
Location: 915 S. Jackson St, Montgomery, AL 36104
Doctorate programs offered: 4
Alabama State’s 3-year DPT program prepares its students to implement individualized solutions for each patient. The program places an emphasis on diversity and a nurturing learning environment, as well as real-world clinical experience to inform its graduates.
University of South Alabama
Location: 5721 USA Drive N, Mobile, AL 36688
Doctorate programs offered: 9
The University of South Alabama Department of Physical Therapy is committed to high-quality education, promoting and generating scholarship and engaging in local to global service. Over its 30-year history, the program has equipped students with real-world experience to provide the highest levels of professional care to diverse communities while maintaining a commitment to life-long learning.
Faulkner University
Location: 5345 Atlanta Hwy, Montgomery, AL 36109
Doctorate programs offered: 4
The newest physical therapy program in Alabama is Faulkner University, which was accredited in 2021. The program emphasizes clinical knowledge, a passion for helping others, and critical thinking as measures of success for their graduates.
Finding the best Alabama physical therapy school for you
We hope this list will help you feel more confident as you decide where to begin your physical therapy career. We know your options in Alabama are plentiful, but we want you to be informed of the schools in Alabama as you continue your research. Finding the right school for you can be a long process, but when you do, you have a place to grow and learn and experienced faculty to guide you along your journey to your degree.
At EW Motion Therapy, we have had the privilege of serving the Birmingham area for over 20 years, and we are always looking for new physical therapists to join our team. If you want to know more about our physical therapy programs, click the button below to answer the questions in our Program Match Tool.